Causative Verb

 Causative Verb and Its Uses


The Causative Verbs are used to indicate that one person causes a second person to do something for the person. One can cause somebody for him or her by paying, asking, or forcing the person. (According to Cliff's TOEFL)

Another definition is that There are some verbs which indicate that the subject is not working directly by himself/herself, rather he/she makes his/her work done by another person. These verbs are known as Causative Verbs. 

For example-

Her mother feeds her.
He walks the horse.

There are some verbs that have both 'Common Form' and 'Causative Form'. Here is a list of those verbs below:

Common Verbs Causative Verbs Common Verbs Causative Verbs
Eat Feed Know Inform
Dive Dip See Show
Learn Teach Remember Remind
Lie Lay Sit Set
Fall Fell Rise Raise

There are some verbs that have no causative form like the above verbs. In that case we have to add some verbs before those verb to make create causative meaning. To do that, we usually have to use five verbs - Have, Get, Let, Make and Help.

There are some important rules for the use of those verbs. Let's take a look  at them........(Click here to go to that Rules).

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